Monday Feb 28
Since we spent the weekend “in class” and travelling, we had the day off, which was really nice. I used the tie to do home work (sort of…) and attempt laundry round 2. I don’t think the dirt from Dschang will ever come out.
Probably should not have spent the first four weeks bragging that I didn’t have any mosquito bites…payback time.
Tuesday March 1
My shower’s not working, so I’m back to the bucket. Um, hello, why do you think I came back to Yaounde? (kidding)
Class. Class. New restaurant. Class.
By the way, “mini rainy season” seems to be here in full force.
Wednesday March 2
For French class we planned and cooked a meal…at 9am. Avocado salad, fried plantains, and what-was-supposed-to-be-smoothies-but-became-fruit-punch-when-the-blender-refused-to-work.
Our focus for the next two weeks will be on NGOs. Two interesting visits today: US Embassy and the Peace Corps office. Wow, did I feel like I was in America at the embassy. That may sound dumb, but something as simple as a conference room or a free pen really feels like home. Also, that could be a fun job…
Peace corps was great since I’d like to do some sort of similar volunteer work post-graduation.
Afterwards we all gave into peer pressure and bought our dresses for Women’s Day!! Pretty pumped for March 8th. PLUS, my other dresses I ordered from the tailor are done!! We’re all quite hooked. Picked those up and ordered some more…
Planned on doing homework tonight, but then Momma Mia came on, and quite frankly, “how can I resist ya?”
PS Exciting news! My French professor told me today that I’m picking up the Cameroonian accent…it’s true, I can even hear it a bit! When I got really excited, she told me she’s not sure it’s a compliment. Psh. I’m taking it as one.